Cutaway model Nikon EM. Shutter:, Electronically governed Seiko metal blade shutter vertical travel with speeds from 1/1000 to 1 second with a manual speed of 1/90th., Meter: Center-weighted Silicon Photo Diode, ASA 25-1600, EV2-18 (with ASA film and 1.8

Cutaway model Nikon EM. Shutter:, Electronically governed Seiko metal blade shutter vertical travel with speeds from 1/1000 to 1 second with a manual speed of 1/90th., Meter: Center-weighted Silicon Photo Diode, ASA 25-1600, EV2-18 (with ASA film and 1.8


Christopher Williams



Chromogenic color print

Approx 20 × 24" (50.8 × 61 cm)

Category Photography
Classification Photograph
Height (cm) 45.5